Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Book of Mormon

The Book of Mormon first started out as the golden plates.  All the olden day prophets wrote their and the peoplee's account in it.

Joseph Smith restored the gospel and the Book  of Mormon was published into paper.  But not without any hardships!

Joseph was tarred and feathered, jailed, and killed for being a Mormon.  He hadn't done anything to those people, and they wanted revenge!  Satan had lots of power over them!

Nowadays, missionaries carry the Book of Mormon around with them, teaching the gospel to all the people around the world.  But still some people don't listen! 

The missionaries wear white shirts and black jackets and pants.  They have nametags, and they follow a strict sceduele. 

I am very thankful for their service.  Without it I would not be a Mormon.  Both my parent's, parents were converts to the church.

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